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Freight ship filled with containers

Excellent understanding of the sea transport market

Meyership AS is a storied and well-established actor in coastal and North Sea transport. We have gained an excellent understanding of the market, something we have used to secure regular and repeated contracts with important clients in Helgeland. We operate our own fleet of ships to help us meet the demands and requirements of the industry. In addition to this, we have a rich network of other actors in the same industry, which is a valuable resource.

Contact us


Our large network of contacts allow us to address cargo and container needs to and from other continents. We can offer solid and good communication with every destination in the world thanks to our deals and agreements with international shipping lines.

Man from North Sea Containerline looking at a freight ship in the near distance
Meyership's company lot at winter time


Mo i Rana is one of Norway's busiest ports when it comes to the sheer number of calls. It comes as no surprise that very few of the ships that dock here know of everything that is available, and so they need an agent to aid them with their tasks. The agent deals with customs, the port authority, pilots, doctors etc. Naturally, this is a service which we offer. We also do customs, assurance, storage and cargo terminal services for our clients.

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