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Far reaching freight train with containers

Cargo trains

Our close proximity to CargoNet's terminal in Mo i Rana offers many different solutions for intermodal transport.

Contact us

Storage and exchange containers

We can offer transportation of both regular and exchange containers from railway to automotive or marine (as well as the other way around). By using Bane Nors network, which includes terminals in both Norway and Sweden, we are able to provide transport solutions according to your requirements. Our automotive department can also offer delivery and run-in of containers in the region, as well as "East/West" solutions to and from Sweden thanks to our Swedish partners. Our ships can provide internasjonal solutions to and from Mo i Rana port through international shipping routes. We can provide reach stackers with up to 45 tonnes capacity thanks to our cooperation with Mo i Rana's port authority.

Many containers stacked on top of eachother
Trailer fra Meyership

Semitrailer on railway

We can offer local and regional towing for semi trailers arriving at Mo i Rana through the railway system.

Our partners

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